Winternights '99
K.o.S.H celebrates its second annniversary!

Gotlandic Picture stone Motfi

On Sunna's Day, November 12th, we celebrated Winternights. Here in Albuquerque we have been experiencing unusually high temperatures, and the leaves had not even begun to truly turn when the general calendar said Winternights had come. We decided to wait until after the first frost, and preferably when the air was chill and the leaves were falling. This being our goal, we finally saw the real end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter approaching when in the week before our appointed day we had our first and second frosts. Our company has lost two good heathens since the last report (both to good circumstances and gainful employment in other states) and was happily expanded this day as a new friend to the hall decided to have his first Blót with us after having recently moved to Albuquerque. We met at our new friend's house, and by his generosity ,were driven up to a special area near Sandia Peak that was given us by our able brewer and Thor's man, Grundair. Grundair, our new companion, and I made our way over the weathered, yet beauteous road to the site at which we'd hold our Blót, joyful to sample the nipping cold in the clear mountain air. Once at the site, Grundair lead us by a great stream and among some mighty red oaks and spruces to a spot where a bit of a logjam brought the stream to pool. I took with me the mighty raven's-head banner that signifies the hall and before beginning the blot, hung it from a nearby stump that jutted from the slope beside the softly swirling pool. The raven's eye seemed to me to survey the land, and I was glad to have brought he banner along. I was to lead the rite this day. The rite was well spoken and the dark brew well doled out, in honor of Frey, Freyja, Wodan, the Ases and Wanes all, the weal-working wights of land and home, and the ancestors. We asked that we might be strengthened for the coming season, and also that we might prove ourselves worthy of the gifts we had received that we might receive them so well as we had before in the year to come. Our new friend hailed rightly, so too did good Grundair. I myself made hails to the holy ones, and spoke words for the hall. As Winternights was our foundation day two years prior, I made hails and asked that the hall stand so long as it should stand, and that it should stand strong in keeping the seasons. So may it be true! It was a great Blót, and further a sense of community was felt there. With the brew poured out and the banner blessed, we went forth from there and back to our homes. In the week since it has begun to cool and the seasons are fast changing. I can only say that it is good to be heathen and alive.

Hail the holy ones all for the ways they work and the wonders we have known!.

Erich Campbell

Click here for the text of Winternghts '99 by Erich Campbell

Gotlandic Picture-Stone Border Featuring Interlaced Birds

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